Daniel Soto Parra
Co-Founder | Research | Design
Nice to meet you! I’m Daniel Soto Parra, a Mexican-American pianist and aspiring physician from Mexico City and Seattle, Washington. Hooked by 409 episodes of Grey's Anatomy, motivated by my grandfather's heart conditions, and inspired by a fascination with the transcendent workings of biology, I aspire to be a cardiothoracic surgeon/researcher and create the first biosynthetic heart-lung system.
I began my professional journey through independent study the summer of 8th grade, which led me to pre-collegiate programs and college biology courses at the U of Washington and Harvard. I've also immersed myself in medicine through a shadowing experience w/Dr. Patricio Ortiz @INC Ignacio Chavez and the ExploraVision competition, becoming one of six finalists from 4000 teams in the US and Canada for developing a hypothetical cancer treatment with Marcus Yeung and Jace Baptista Allan. We decided to create BioVision innovations to unite the next generation of scientists through research and create engaging content for young people via social media.
Apart from medicine, I enjoy running, playing and composing piano pieces, working with digital art, and meditating. In the fall of 2024, I am extremely excited to begin attending Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. Thank you for visiting our site. We at BioVision Innovations are excited to share our journey and discoveries with you.
Seattle Preparatory School
Brown University
Seattle, WA, USA
Providence, RI, USA
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
(425) 208-9233